Recent News

-My piece “into air” just won 1st prize at 2024 SOCAN Young Composer Awards.

-My debut album as “R Sheaves” will be released on March 14, 2025 through Milltown Records. Release show on March 22 at the Rotary Arts Centre!!!

-Many thanks to Astralis Quartet for their thoughtful and nuanced performance of “some chords for angel island” on February 23, 2025 at cSPACE, Calgary.

-I have completed elegy half erased, a 15-minute piano trio for the London, England-based Greenwich Trio. More info on performances ASAP.

-Two recent performances of ‘to unwind a sea shell’ at St. John’s Sound Symposium and Camber Arts! Hilary and Stephen had incredible chemistry, and we hope to bring it to more festivals in the future. Stephen also premiered FOUR new piano pieces of mine, and the recording of those premieres can be found under the '“music” tab.

-On January 25, 2024, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra premiered my piece warmth comes. Info about the concert here!

Here’s a sample of what I create:

A collaboration with the supremely talented violinist and producer Adrian Irvine, made possible through the support of Canada Council for the Arts.

A single from my upcoming R Sheaves album “MARY SPINS.”

Short promo for my collaboration with pianist Stephen Eckert and dancer Hilary Knee, 'to unwind a sea shell.' Filmed by Giancarlo Delgado. Made possible through the support of Canada Council for the Arts.

First piece from my in-progress debut album. Pianos performed beautifully by Stephen Eckert. Visuals created by Luke Welsh. Mixed and mastered by Michelle LaCour.